Texas AgriWomen is an affiliate of American Agri-Women; which is the nation’s largest coalition of farm, ranch and agribusiness women with more than fifty state, commodity and agribusiness affiliate organizations, united to communicate with one another and with other consumers to promote agriculture.
2025 AAW National Events
These are completely optional, but any paid member is welcome to attend any of these. Be sure to check on American AgriWomen website for more information on each of these national events.
April 3rd – 5th in Fort Worth, TX
Discussing current agricultural issues & policies along with voting to create AAW’s position statements for that upcoming year, which is the basis for the Legislative Fly-In in June
Legislative Fly-In
TBD in Washington, DC
Taking the positions AAW created from Mid-Year to Washington DC to meet with high level agriculture related agencies, members of congress & visit an international Embassy
National Convention
Bringing members and affiliate members together for leadership & professional development sessions, speakers, industry tours, and an opportunity to attend the AAW annual business meeting
2025 AAW National Events
These are completely optional, but any paid member is welcome to attend any of these. Be sure to check on American AgriWomen website for more information on each of these national events.
April 3rd – 5th in Fort Worth, TX
Discussing current agricultural issues & policies along with voting to create AAW’s position statements for that upcoming year, which is the basis for the Legislative Fly-In in June
Legislative Fly-In
TBD in Washington, DC
Taking the positions AAW created from Mid-Year to Washington DC to meet with high level agriculture related agencies, members of congress & visit an international Embassy
National Convention
Bringing members and affiliate members together for leadership & professional development sessions, speakers, industry tours, and an opportunity to attend the AAW annual business meeting